Explaining the Mechanism of Snaffle Bits

No matter if your riding English or Western, chances are good that your first experiences were on either your own horse(s) or using a schoolmaster horse with a snaffle bit. These bits are designed to sit comfortably between the top and bottom teeth in their rear opening, and rubber lip […]
Saddling Your Horse: Step-by-Step Guide

No matter whether you ride an English or Western saddle, the basic principles for saddling up remain similar. Your goal should be safety and comfort for both horse and rider. These instructions feature an English saddle in their images but still apply equally to both styles of saddle; there may […]
Curb Chains and Straps: Equipping Your Horse

No matter the style of curb bit you use – be it western such as the grazing bit, Tom Thumb or correction bits; or English such as Kimblewick Pelham or Double Bridle curb bits – always attaching them with an accompanying chain or strap is of vital importance. What Is […]
Selecting the Proper Flooring for Your Horse Stable

Building or renovating a barn for horses involves carefully considering their standing surface, both from an aesthetic and leg health perspective. Indoor-based horses must stand still on whatever is in their stall floor for extended periods, potentially taxing on their legs and requiring carefully considered flooring choices that provide cushioned […]