The Shells of Turtles and Tortoises

Turtles and tortoises of different species possess shells with various sizes, colors, and shapes, yet all share one characteristic – hard and protective shells. Environmental conditions, nutrition, diseases or trauma may impact how effective or visible a shell appears – knowing more about your turtle or tortoise’s shell can help […]
Naming Ideas for Pet Turtles and Tortoises

Finding an appropriate name for a reptilian slowpoke may come naturally if its markings, characteristics, or movements stand out. But if nothing stands out then finding one may prove challenging – here are 100 names ranging from funny nicknames to popular fictional references to help inspire a name worthy of […]
Introducing Pet Tortoises: A Beginner’s Guide

Pet tortoises make great companions, as they are quiet, cute and don’t shed fur – all traits many people value in a pet. However, tortoises have long life spans ranging from 50-100 years. Therefore if you take one on as a companion pet be aware that its care may outlive […]
Caring for a Sulcata Tortoise as a Pet: Essential Guidelines

Geochelone sulcata), commonly referred to as African spurred tortoise, is one of the largest tortoises species worldwide. They feature brown-yellow shells with thick skin covered by yellowish-brown scales (or spurs) on its legs. These tortoises, native to sub-Saharan Africa’s arid and semi-arid regions, have become an increasingly popular pet due […]