Is Owning a Capybara as a Pet a Good Idea?

Capybaras are affectionately known as giant guinea pigs, yet their care requires more effort than that of smaller counterparts. Smart, social animals that weigh up to 170 pounds, capybaras make for pleasant household pets when kept in pairs or groups; since their large bodies require ample space and access to […]
Understanding Exotic Pets

What constitutes an exotic pet depends upon context; generally speaking, anything other than domesticated animals is generally considered exotic. There can be slight variance in definition between companies, people, state governments and associations as to what exactly qualifies as exotic – some people might see goats or ferrets as exotic […]
State Regulations Regarding Exotic Animals

State laws vary on which animals can be kept as pets, and can change at any time; over the years many states have added to their list of banned animals. Game and fish commissions, departments of fish and wildlife or conservation, and other state divisions usually dictate these regulations in […]
Tarantula Mating Process Explained

There are over 850 species of tarantulas, and several have become beloved family pets. After falling in love with one tarantula, pet owners may decide they want more and decide to breed. Understanding more about how pet tarantulas mate will allow owners to provide optimal care to both current and […]