Caring for a Texel Guinea Pig as a Pet

Guinea pigs make great pets, yet many people may be surprised to know there are over a dozen recognized breeds. One such popular guinea pig breed is the Texel Guinea Pig with its classic long fur with waves and curls; find out more about them today and how you can […]
Which Fruits Are Suitable for Guinea Pigs to Consume?

Guinea pigs are herbivorous rodents, meaning that they primarily feed on plant matter. Guinea pigs in their natural environment in South America feed on grasses and other vegetation such as leaves; when kept as pets however, most often dried grass hays. Guinea pigs can enjoy eating various fruits as treats […]
Guinea Pig Hair Loss: Causes and Solutions

There are two breeds of guinea pigs that do not naturally cover themselves in fur, and when their coat begins to shed it is an indicator that something is amiss. Hair loss in these breeds could be localized or generalized, slow or sudden and obvious or hidden; knowing its causes […]
Are Peaches Safe for Guinea Pigs to Eat?

Guinea pigs are herbivorous rodents that need and enjoy eating a varied diet of hay, vegetables and fruits such as peaches. Green, leafy vegetables should make up most of their daily meals, while fruit treats such as peaches can add some additional nutrition or act as treats. Knowing which fruits […]