Egyptian cat breeds are among the oldest. Egypt was one of the two original sites for domesticated cats (the other being Fertile Crescent in Middle East), developing from small wildcat species as early as 1500 B.C. While very few modern-day species can trace their roots all the way back to Egypt, some people think certain breeds hail from there even when their origin lies elsewhere in the world.
Below you will meet two cat breeds native to Egypt as well as three others commonly thought to originate there but don’t belong there.
Egyptian Cat Breeds
Cats have been part of Egyptian culture and history for more than 3,000 years. Not only did these felines help safeguard grain stores against rodent infestation, they were also effective at eliminating snake-borne threats to Egyptian homes.
Egyptians held cats in high esteem, even considering them sacred and an integral part of Egyptian culture. Pet cats were lavishly cared for during life; royal families even dressed their pet cats with gold and jewels as part of Egyptian royal traditions. After death, Egyptians mummified cats for burial. Bastet, the goddess who often appeared as a cat-headed figure in ancient works of art was frequently depicted depicted.