African Pygmy Hedgehogs make for great pets for those in search of something different but small and peaceful, but are they suitable for everyone? Hedgehogs require specific diets, sleep schedules and exercise regimes which might not fit with everyone’s lifestyles – though many find they make great companions!
Do Hedgehogs Make Good Pets? Hedgehogs can make excellent companions, but only for people who do not require an overly cuddly caged pet and who do not mind feeding some insects to their pet while it sleeps during the day and runs all night on its wheel. Hedgehogs are very quiet pets with minimal space requirements and very low maintenance needs – qualities which makes them an attractive proposition to many people.
What Do Hedgehogs Eat? Hedgehogs don’t eat seeds or hay like other caged pets do, but instead consume special kibble, insects, fruit and other items as part of their varied diet. Once considered insectivores due to this varied food source; now considered omnivores. So if you decide to adopt one as a pet you must be willing to provide bugs, fresh items and specially-formulated kibble as their diet needs to include some variety for healthy development and overall good health.