When selecting the ideal tank for betta fish, there are a few specific considerations you must keep in mind when deciding how best to care for it – what may work for goldfish may not suit bettas. With their delicate fins and low water flow needs, bettas require low flow with plenty of places where they can lay low and nap. Most bettas should be kept alone due to males fighting among themselves or mating poorly with others of their same species; additionally, you will require reliable filters, heaters as well as all other forms of care you would give any other fish tank system!
No betta fish (or any fish for that matter) should ever be kept in an inappropriate environment (i.e. bowl or vase), since this can have disastrous results on their health and longevity. Dr. Jessica Fox of Certified Aquatic Veterinaria notes: “All betta fish require an environment tailored specifically to meet their individual needs and limitations,” and we have seen many kept in bowls or vases that negatively impact their wellbeing.
Fluval’s 5-gallon Fluval SPEC aquarium kit is our go-to recommendation for all betta owners, since it includes everything (excluding heating element ) you’d need (excluding heater) while being designed specifically to meet betta activity levels. As a private practice veterinarian with experience specializing in pet fish for over 10 years, I’ve come to have first hand knowledge about all these systems and know them from personal experience.