Understanding Pinfeathers in Birds

Pinfeather refers to newly grown feathers seen on birds undergoing molt. When first appearing from her skin, a pinfeather will typically be short in length with shafts made up of the same type of keratin used to construct shafts of feathers. What Are Pinfeathers (Blood Feathers) Like? Pinfeathers, also referred […]
Selecting the Ideal Saltwater Angelfish for Your Aquarium

Are You Planning on Adding Angelfish to Your Saltwater Aquarium? There are a few key points you must keep in mind before adding new angelfish into the tank, provided there is enough space and accommodating tank mates. Angelfish belong to the Pomacanthidae family of perciform fishes and there are over […]
Dangerous Plants for Horses

If you own horses and gardens, it’s essential that certain plants don’t fall onto your property. Common weeds, trees, plants and shrubs that can harm horses include those below; learn to identify these in pastures or yards so they can be removed promptly in order to keep horses safe.
Is Oatmeal Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Oatmeal is an impressive breakfast food. Made of hulled oat grains and available in different forms like milled, rolled and steel-cut varieties, oatmeal offers nutritional support to any diet with its high protein and fiber contents as well as abundant amounts of vitamins A, iron calcium B-6 and magnesium content […]