What Is the Lifespan of Turtles?

Turtles are widely recognized to live longer lives than many other pets, with some species living over 100 years! Pet water turtles typically reach 40 years, although much depends on factors such as species, diet and environment that you can influence. Bottom line, most turtles will live several decades if […]
Profile of the Red-Eared Slider Species

Red-eared sliders are extremely popular aquatic turtles that require special lighting, an animal and plant based diet, cleaning, and regular maintenance to stay happy and healthy. Red-eared sliders require serious commitment as they can live for 20 years in captivity with proper upkeeping to remain happy and healthy – at […]
Turtle Varieties Ideal for Keeping as Pets

Turtles make ideal pets due to their quiet nature and low maintenance needs, making them appealing choices as pets. While not particularly interactive or cuddly creatures, turtles do carry diseases which could eventually outlive you! All turtles also require complex housing and feeding requirements that must be considered before adopting […]
Turtle Sleeping Habits Explained

Land and aquatic turtles make popular pet reptiles, yet their behaviors can often remain mysterious. Sleep is among these behaviors that is particularly perplexing since it can be hard to tell when a turtle may be awake if they’re not moving around or feeding themselves. Sleep patterns vary among species […]