Guinea Pig Hair Loss: Causes and Solutions

There are two breeds of guinea pigs that do not naturally cover themselves in fur, and when their coat begins to shed it is an indicator that something is amiss. Hair loss in these breeds could be localized or generalized, slow or sudden and obvious or hidden; knowing its causes […]
Naming Ideas for Mares and Fillies

Finding the ideal name for your mare or filly can be a difficult challenge, as she will likely remain with the name she receives for decades to come. Her name should reflect her individual characteristics or even reflect your personal preferences – here are some names to help get your […]
Is Rosemary Harmless for Cats?

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an aromatic herb belonging to the Lamiaceae family of plants. Also referred to as mint, deadnettle or sage family, members such as rosemary are widely used culinary aromatic herbs; other members include basil, catnip, lavender, marjoram mint oregano sage and thyme among many more. Rosemary can […]
Bone Metabolism Disorders in Reptiles

Metabolic bone disease (MBD) is an increasingly recognized and prevalent problem among pet reptiles. MBD results from an imbalanced calcium to phosphorus ratio in their bodies, leading to softened or damaged bones and other symptoms that impact bone growth and development. Other terms for MBD may include fibrous osteodystrophy, osteomalacia, […]
The Shells of Turtles and Tortoises

Turtles and tortoises of different species possess shells with various sizes, colors, and shapes, yet all share one characteristic – hard and protective shells. Environmental conditions, nutrition, diseases or trauma may impact how effective or visible a shell appears – knowing more about your turtle or tortoise’s shell can help […]
Are Eggs Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Breakfast is the cornerstone of every successful day, and eggs provide a nutritious start to each morning. But when Fido shows interest in what looks like delicious scrambled or omelet eggs to you, is it safe for him or her to share in? Yes! Eggs make great treats or nutritional […]
Are Pumpkins Safe for Chickens to Eat?

Chickens eat more than just feed, but not everything they eat is necessarily beneficial to their health. Pumpkins are popular food choices among pet chickens but are they healthy and safe? Discover which kinds of gourds can be given as treats to your flock and their health benefits. Are Pumpkins […]
Saddling Your Horse: Step-by-Step Guide

No matter whether you ride an English or Western saddle, the basic principles for saddling up remain similar. Your goal should be safety and comfort for both horse and rider. These instructions feature an English saddle in their images but still apply equally to both styles of saddle; there may […]
Is Declawing Your Cat a Good Idea?

Debating whether or not to declaw your cat can be an emotive issue; people have strong opinions both ways on this matter. Some cities, states and even countries have outlawed declawing altogether! While declawing may not be right for every situation here are some benefits and drawbacks of doing it […]
Twelve Coral Options to Contemplate for Your Reef Tank

No matter your experience level or current reef tank status, there are numerous varieties of coral to consider keeping. Beginner-friendly options exist but the following species make great additions for any reef tank environment. Difficulty can vary depending on environmental requirements – easy ones typically needing wide ranges of suitable […]