Month: June 2024

Horse Diet: What Do Horses Consume?

Horses have very specific dietary needs as herbivores with different digestive tracts than ours. Their long digestive tract requires a diet high in fiber that must be consumed slowly over time; horses typically eat multiple smaller meals throughout the day rather than eating just three large ones at one sitting […]

Six Reasons Owls Aren’t Suitable as Pets

Owls are wild creatures, making keeping one in a typical home setting extremely difficult. Owls do not tolerate cuddling or frequent contact with humans because it goes against their nature – their razor-sharp talons were designed for cutting rather than perching comfortably on your shoulder! Owls evolved as hunters who […]

State Regulations Regarding Exotic Animals

State laws vary on which animals can be kept as pets, and can change at any time; over the years many states have added to their list of banned animals. Game and fish commissions, departments of fish and wildlife or conservation, and other state divisions usually dictate these regulations in […]

Fantastic Names for Pet Snakes

Reptiles such as snakes are becoming increasingly popular pets, and deserve names as distinct as they are. Female snake names and male snake names alike can vary depending on your species or lack thereof; sometimes even gender-neutral names work best. When choosing pet names for snakes it can be helpful […]

Top 8 Foods Recommended for Pet Rats

Rats can be finicky eaters who favor fatty meals over more nutritional meals, so creating a well-balanced and healthy diet for your pet rat is vital to their wellbeing and avoid malnourishment or obesity. We evaluated several major rat food brands ranging from hearty pellet diets to leaner seed mixes; […]

Eleven Black Cat Breeds That Defy Spookiness

Black cat breeds have long been associated with mystery and magic. Some may find it surprising, however, that black cats do not belong to one single breed but instead include several that possess black coats of varying lengths. Unfortunately, their negative connotations stems from tales about witches using familiars as […]