Is It Possible for Cats and Birds to Coexist?

Cats are natural predators while birds are natural prey, creating complications when these two types of pets must coexist peacefully. Cartoons depict outdoor cats hunting birds while house cats are more likely to chase and attack than coexist peacefully with housecats or birds. Can their instinctive behaviors be overridden so […]
Defining Feral Cats

So what exactly is a feral cat? You may have heard the term used interchangeably with “stray” or “outdoor” cats; this is inaccurate. What defines feral cats exactly? Feral cats have distinctive characteristics; they are considered wild and cannot adjust well living indoors – this often forces them outside where […]
Understanding Exotic Pets

What constitutes an exotic pet depends upon context; generally speaking, anything other than domesticated animals is generally considered exotic. There can be slight variance in definition between companies, people, state governments and associations as to what exactly qualifies as exotic – some people might see goats or ferrets as exotic […]