Guinea pigs are herbivorous rodents, meaning that they primarily feed on plant matter. Guinea pigs in their natural environment in South America feed on grasses and other vegetation such as leaves; when kept as pets however, most often dried grass hays. Guinea pigs can enjoy eating various fruits as treats – no more than 2 percent should make up your daily diet and fruit should only be offered occasionally as treats as too much fruit can lead to digestive issues such as Ileus which could even prove fatal for their wellbeing!
If you wish to offer your guinea pig fruit treats as treats, begin by offering very small amounts. As time progresses and more fruit is introduced gradually, watch their digestive system closely for any reactions; if you see that they start eating less or become inactive or exhibit other changes in behavior such as watery stooling or other noticeable behavioral differences then immediately discontinue providing these new foods and consult your veterinarian immediately.