Guinea pigs are herbivorous rodents that need and enjoy eating a varied diet of hay, vegetables and fruits such as peaches. Green, leafy vegetables should make up most of their daily meals, while fruit treats such as peaches can add some additional nutrition or act as treats. Knowing which fruits your guinea pig enjoys and are safe can help ensure it gets all of the necessary nutrition in its diet.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat All Kinds of Peaches? Yes, guinea pigs can consume all varieties of peaches; however, that doesn’t mean an excessive amount should be fed to your pet. If they like them, a limited amount should be offered occasionally as treats; they shouldn’t become part of daily routine or be forced into being eaten. When providing different varieties, your cavy may develop a preference over time, yet any type of peach can still be given freely to him or her.
Are Peaches Safe for Guinea Pigs? Though different kinds of peaches contain differing levels of vitamins and minerals, all are generally safe for consumption by your Guinea pig. While peaches vary slightly in terms of their content of oxalates (oxalic acid), moisture content, natural sugars and acidity levels – as a general rule they’re safe; due to this last factor though they should only be fed once every week at most; more frequently can lead to diarrhea, dental issues, or other medical complications in your pet!
Guinea pigs should only receive one small slice of peach every week, although even smaller guinea pigs may benefit from having several bites of fruit from one peach; pits must not be fed to them.
Do Peaches Contain Vitamin C? Guinea pigs require supplemented vitamin C in their diet (10-30 mg/kg per day), so foods containing higher concentrations are excellent treats for them. While peaches contain some vitamin C (11 mg per cup), peppers and parsley each boast over 100 mg while strawberries boast just under 100 mg per cup.