Twelve Coral Options to Contemplate for Your Reef Tank

No matter your experience level or current reef tank status, there are numerous varieties of coral to consider keeping. Beginner-friendly options exist but the following species make great additions for any reef tank environment. Difficulty can vary depending on environmental requirements – easy ones typically needing wide ranges of suitable […]
Removing Brown Algae from Your Aquarium: A Step-by-Step Guide

Silica Algae or Brown Algae is an algae species which thrives in saltwater environments. Once established, it can spread quickly throughout an aquarium’s interior forming thin dark brown coatings which cover most surfaces in its path. Problematic algae blooms can be especially common among new aquariums, which may cause cause […]
Essential Information About Undergravel Filters

Undergravel filters are an alternative method of aquarium filtration that sits beneath the substrate (or gravel) in your tank, eliminating the need for bulky filters dangling on the back wall. There has been some debate surrounding undergravel filters due to some factors. While using one may reduce maintenance needs by […]
Cleaning Aquarium Sand: Step-by-Step Instructions

No matter the substrate in your aquarium, maintaining cleanliness is key to the wellbeing of its inhabitants. Sand substrate can be challenging due to its lighter weight; any discolorations is most noticeable to humans but is generally ignored by fish and invertebrates. Cleaning routinely sand substrate is therefore an essential […]