Saltwater Aquarium Fish Suitable for Reef Tanks

Keep a reef tank means housing an assortment of corals, anemones and invertebrates as well as saltwater fish in an aquarium. Not all marine aquarium fish species are suitable for reef tanks – many will tear up corals, consume other fish or otherwise destroy tank inhabitants. Below are a selection […]
Selecting the Ideal Saltwater Angelfish for Your Aquarium

Are You Planning on Adding Angelfish to Your Saltwater Aquarium? There are a few key points you must keep in mind before adding new angelfish into the tank, provided there is enough space and accommodating tank mates. Angelfish belong to the Pomacanthidae family of perciform fishes and there are over […]
Aquarium Fish Affected by Popeye Disease

Popeye disease in fish refers to a condition in which their eyes swell, bulge outward and appear cloudy, often leaving the eye socket unsettled and even becoming clouded over. Left untreated, popeye can lead to blindness in one or both eyes of affected fish1. Fish popeye may have various potential […]
Ocellaris Clownfish: Profile of the Fish Species

Made famous by the movie Finding Nemo, ocellaris clownfishes have quickly become one of the most beloved saltwater aquarium fish species. Ideal for beginners and smaller aquariums alike, these hardy fish provide vibrant orange splashes of color while remaining “reef-safe.” Captive breeding programs produce multiple color varieties readily available – […]