Is It Possible for Cats and Birds to Coexist?

Cats are natural predators while birds are natural prey, creating complications when these two types of pets must coexist peacefully. Cartoons depict outdoor cats hunting birds while house cats are more likely to chase and attack than coexist peacefully with housecats or birds. Can their instinctive behaviors be overridden so […]
Understanding Pinfeathers in Birds

Pinfeather refers to newly grown feathers seen on birds undergoing molt. When first appearing from her skin, a pinfeather will typically be short in length with shafts made up of the same type of keratin used to construct shafts of feathers. What Are Pinfeathers (Blood Feathers) Like? Pinfeathers, also referred […]
Factors to Ponder Before Adopting a Pet Bird

Estimates suggest that more than five million U.S. households own pet birds. Birds come in all sorts of shapes, colors and personalities so it is important to find one that suits both your lifestyle and personality – from larger parrots like parrotlets and canaries to even small birds that require […]
280 Monikers for Your Feathered Companion

Names for pet birds depend on their individual personality traits and characteristics, with names chosen reflecting these elements as much as possible. Here is a list of names to browse through so that you may select an apt one or multiple names for your one or multiple birds.