What is the Lifespan of Parrots and Other Bird Species?

Parrots and other birds may live up to 50 years, depending on the species and environment they inhabit. Parrots make up an extensive species group consisting of over 300 varieties, from those small enough to fit in your hand to large ones as large as cats – with lifespans as […]
Egg-Binding Among Birds

Egg-binding is a potentially fatal condition affecting female breeding-age birds of pet birds of any kind; however, among pet birds this condition most frequently appears among finches, parakeets, lovebirds, canaries and cockatiels1.1 Egg-binding occurs when an egg becomes “stuck” inside of a bird and they are unable to expel it […]
How to Trim Your Bird’s Wings Safely

Clipping the wings of your bird may seem daunting at first, and requires patience and practice to master. Under unprofessional hands, wing clipping may become dangerously risky, leading to injuries to both bird and owner and possibly bleeding blood feathers, creating an emergency situation. But with careful handling and following […]
Frequent Beak Issues in Birds

Beak problems in pet birds are unfortunately all too frequent and can create significant challenges in everyday activities such as eating and climbing toys. While these issues are largely avoidable – often caused by malnutrition, disease, or trauma – knowing some of the more prevalent issues is key in order […]