Ensuring Your Pet’s Safety During a Fire

At no time do we want our pets to be put at risk during a fire, where both smoke and flames pose dangers that could endanger their lives. What should you do if your alarms sound, and your furry (or fin-bearing) friends are also in immediate danger? Establish a Plan […]
The Best 8 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Pet in 2023

As 2022 comes to an end and you set goals for 2023, consider including some pet-related New Year’s Resolutions on your list of New Year’s goals for 2023. Resolutions such as eating healthy and losing weight apply equally to our pets, especially those of overweight breed or age. Making New […]
The Top 4 Cat DNA Tests of 2024

An cat DNA test offers you an intriguing window into their genetic composition and gives insight into why their appearance and behavior vary so greatly from that of other felines. As with at-home dog DNA tests, cat tests begin with collecting a DNA sample from either your cat’s mouth or […]
Is Declawing Your Cat a Good Idea?

Debating whether or not to declaw your cat can be an emotive issue; people have strong opinions both ways on this matter. Some cities, states and even countries have outlawed declawing altogether! While declawing may not be right for every situation here are some benefits and drawbacks of doing it […]