Understanding Your Horse’s Dental Health

Take a peek into your horse’s mouth, and you’ll likely discover many teeth! Horses typically possess anywhere between 36 to 42 teeth; their exact number depends on its gender as well as whether it has developed additional ones on its bars (the empty space between its front teeth and rear […]
Top Gaited Horse Breeds for a Comfortable Ride

Gaited breeds of horses are an uncommon yet welcome sight in the horse world. Of the roughly 350 horse breeds available today, only 30 naturally gait. Gaited horses offer smoother rides for people suffering from back or joint issues and have become an increasingly popular option over time. What Is […]
Explaining the Mechanism of Snaffle Bits

No matter if your riding English or Western, chances are good that your first experiences were on either your own horse(s) or using a schoolmaster horse with a snaffle bit. These bits are designed to sit comfortably between the top and bottom teeth in their rear opening, and rubber lip […]
Understanding Why Horses Kick and How to Address It

Kicking horses can be very dangerous. Even if your horse is simply trying to hit away a biting fly and you happen to get in its path, you could still be injured by them. Some horses develop bad habits of kicking while riding or being driven and can become quite […]
Managing Aggressive Behavior in the Horse Pasture

Herd or pasture bullies can wreak havoc among their fellow horses by biting, striking, kicking, running them into obstacles and through fences, as well as hindering submissive horses from getting access to food (hay). Furthermore, bullies may shred turnout blankets by biting at those wearing them and shredding turnout blankets […]
Preventing Wood Chewing Behavior in Horses

Horses are highly intelligent animals that prefer large areas, and when kept confined for too long can develop negative behaviors out of boredom or frustration. A common way for horses to soothe themselves during such moments is chewing on wooden surfaces in their enclosures such as their wooden stalls. Chewing […]
Preventing Your Horse from Biting

Some horses are known for nipping or biting humans, posing serious human safety risk. Although horses are known to graze grass, their jaws still contain considerable strength with sharp incisors that can inflict serious human injuries if provoked in this way. This behavior differs greatly from windsucking, cribbing or fence […]
Names for White Horses

There’s something truly extraordinary about having a grey or white horse. They stand out from their herd, so shouldn’t they deserve an exceptional name to reflect this fact? When choosing names for grey and white horses, incorporating inspiration from his color into its name may prove challenging; below are a […]
Tips and Tricks for Horse Care

Owning a horse has long been the dream of many. Horses make wonderful companions and form strong bonds with their caretakers, providing ample exercise either through riding or working alongside them on the ground. Horse ownership can also serve as a catalyst for family bonding while teaching younger family members […]
Naming Ideas for Mares and Fillies

Finding the ideal name for your mare or filly can be a difficult challenge, as she will likely remain with the name she receives for decades to come. Her name should reflect her individual characteristics or even reflect your personal preferences – here are some names to help get your […]