Understanding Your Horse’s Dental Health

Take a peek into your horse’s mouth, and you’ll likely discover many teeth! Horses typically possess anywhere between 36 to 42 teeth; their exact number depends on its gender as well as whether it has developed additional ones on its bars (the empty space between its front teeth and rear […]
Equine Pregnancy: Indicators, Phases, and Pregnant Mare Care

Horses can become pregnant as early as 18 months of age and their pregnancies typically last 11 months. If you suspect your mare might be expecting, she needs proper care from day one of her gestation to maximize both her health and that of the foal’s development. Here’s everything you […]
Dangerous Plants for Horses

If you own horses and gardens, it’s essential that certain plants don’t fall onto your property. Common weeds, trees, plants and shrubs that can harm horses include those below; learn to identify these in pastures or yards so they can be removed promptly in order to keep horses safe.
Recognizing Signs of Stress in Horses

Horses may become stressed from various sources,1 including being alone, loading and riding in a trailer, veterinary care, farrier work, shows preparation/attendance/changing weather/change in caregivers/routine changes (new stall/feeding schedule changes), injury/illness recovery timeframes or an unsympathetic handler or rider. Horses express psychological stress in different ways.