Profile of Pacman Frogs: Species Characteristics

Pacman frogs, native to South America and popular pet choices in pet shops around the world, are amphibians that are relatively common as strictly terrestrial amphibians. As these amphibians cannot swim very well, they tend to spend most of their time among damp leaf litter. These amphibians get their name […]
Caring for a White’s Tree Frog as a Pet: Essential Guidelines

White’s tree frogs make great starter pets for new frog owners. Native to Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea, this green or blue-green species boasts petite sizes with sleepy-eyed eyes and smiling mouth expressions, along with waxy skin coating that allows it to tolerate more arid environments than most common tree […]
Species Profile: American Green Tree Frogs

American Green Tree Frogs (Amerinda varia) are native to the southeast U.S. from Florida to Virginia and, true to their name, feature bright green hues which help them blend in seamlessly with surrounding foliage in the wild. Furthermore, these amphibians boast a light white or cream stripe running along their […]
Understanding the Reason Behind Frog Croaking

Most animals create sounds that differ from species to species; dogs barking, cats meowing, guinea pigs wheeking and frogs croaking are just some examples. Although these sounds serve a purpose – communicating various messages – they may also be difficult for non-members of that particular species to interpret properly. Here’s […]