The Top 5 Hamster Species Preferred as Pets

Are You Thinking About Adopting a Hamster? These Adorable Little Creatures Make Excellent Pets! There are 24 species of Hamster, though only five are typically kept as pets. While solo pets make ideal companions, others thrive living together or in groups. Depending on what breeds of hamster you prefer for […]
What Foods Are Safe for Hamsters to Eat?

Hamsters are popular pocket pets because of their adorable appearance, ease of care requirements and affectionate personality – making them popular “pocket pets.” However, to keep them in good health it’s crucial that their diet meets all life stages properly so they receive adequate nourishment throughout. Here is our ultimate […]
Naming Your Pet Hamster

Naming a new pet can be both exciting and daunting at the same time, so if you need help choosing one of your new hampster’s names–whether something funny, adorable, or unique–take a look at these 100 Hamster Names for inspiration! You might just find one or more perfect fits among […]
Is Fruit Safe for Hamsters to Eat?

Hamsters are popular pets among both kids and adults. Not only are hamsters small pets that take up minimal space and maintenance commitment, they look super adorable when stuffing food into their cheeks! But are hamsters able to eat fruit? Yes – but not all types are safe for them […]