So what exactly is a feral cat? You may have heard the term used interchangeably with “stray” or “outdoor” cats; this is inaccurate. What defines feral cats exactly? Feral cats have distinctive characteristics; they are considered wild and cannot adjust well living indoors – this often forces them outside where their lives often end in controversy.
Feral Cats
Feral cats are the offspring of domesticated cats who have never come in contact with humans and show extreme fear when around humans, thus needing experienced handlers for proper treatment. Feral cats typically live as part of a colony of other feral cats and avoid human contact most effectively.
What Is a Feral Cat? mes Feral cats can be defined as the wild offspring of domesticated cats that end up living outdoors after abandonment by their owner and give birth. Over time without human interaction and socialization, these feral kittens become less domesticated and fearful of humans.
Feral cats are an unusual breed of stray cat due to several factors and often exhibit extreme fear when near humans. Any kind of handling with them requires humanely trapping and sedating as other methods are unsafe; otherwise they become aggressive, frozen with fear, or present an escape risk when handled – so experienced handlers should treat these cats carefully.
Other cats found living on the street may be considered strays; however, if they had lived in a home before or were socialized to humans as kittens they are more likely to respond positively and find shelter again with us in due course – even if it takes them some time to readjust and build confidence again. Any cat that approaches you on the street allowing you to pet it or purring or cooing for attention are not considered feral cats.