American Green Tree Frogs (Amerinda varia) are native to the southeast U.S. from Florida to Virginia and, true to their name, feature bright green hues which help them blend in seamlessly with surrounding foliage in the wild. Furthermore, these amphibians boast a light white or cream stripe running along their sides from head down their flanks for added camouflage in nature.
American green tree frogs are small amphibians with porous skin, not suitable for handling. But these hardy amphibians make for relatively simple caregiving if the right environment is provided; just set aside at least an hour each week for maintenance tasks and cleanout.
American Green Tree Frog Behavior and Temperament These small frogs tend to be timid, uncooperative with handling, and resist it with all their might. Over time however, some may come around. But this depends on your captive conditions since their skin can become vulnerable from repeated contact from hands – which could damage its delicate tissues over time1.1
Do not keep an American green tree frog’s habitat in your bedroom – males tend to become especially active and vocal at nighttime, making an American green tree frog an unsuitable pet but entertaining watch. Their large eyes seem drawn towards one spot while their mouths always appear to be smiling – both signs that this species might make good pets!