Parrots and other birds may live up to 50 years, depending on the species and environment they inhabit. Parrots make up an extensive species group consisting of over 300 varieties, from those small enough to fit in your hand to large ones as large as cats – with lifespans as varied.
Potential owners should understand the lifespan of their bird to ensure they can provide necessary care throughout its entire existence.
Average Lifespan of Parrots
Parrots stand out among pet birds because many species can remain with you throughout your lifetime and often outlive their owners. While living in captivity tends to extend their lifespan due to reduced exposure to predators and disease risks compared to life in the wild, illness and shortening lifespan are still possible and should be monitored as per usual for best outcomes.
As a general rule, larger birds tend to live longer. Below are estimated lifespans for common parrots and other pet birds if kept under ideal conditions; please be aware that individual bird lifespans will differ widely and pets could live for either longer (or shorter amounts of time) than anticipated.